Welcome to Dr Horst Ibelgaufts'

Cells | Cell Communication | Cancer Cells | Cytokines

(Cytokines & Cells Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia)
NEW: Upgraded to Spring 2025 Edition (Version 61.1)!
61 169 entries/pages | 141 552 cited references | 2 500 057 internal hyperlinks

Feedback from a multisystem disease specialist: "... let me emphasise that insights gained from COPEing made a huge difference in the lives of many seriously ill patients, not least because COPE contains pertinent detailed information that is not common medical knowledge and not found yet in medical textbooks."
COPE might also have a game-changing Aha moment for you! Use COPE to find out and also activate others!

This is what COPE offers:
  COPE contents empower those agonised over the intricacies of intercellular communication with manually curated (!) in-depth/in-context scientific information.
  COPE is still the only comprehensive single-launch-point resource focussed on the dense body-wide intercellular information network that governs health and disease.
  COPE also organises knowledge in topic-specific subdictionaries, covering: Angiogenesis | Antimicrobial peptides | Apoptosis | CD Antigens | Cell lines | Chemokines | Cryptides | Eukaryotic cell types | Chemokines | CytokineTopics | Cytokine Concentrations in Body Fluids | Cytokines Interspecies Reactivities | Dual identity proteins | Hematology | Hormones | Innate Immunity Defense Proteins | Neuropeptides | Metalloproteinases | Modulins | Pattern Recognition Receptors | Protein domains | Regulatory peptide factors | Virokines | Viroceptors | Virulence Factors
  COPE highlights how even basic insights into cellular infoscape functions help to fight the "Devils in the Details" of disease and facilitate a transition from symptomatic to causative treatments and precision medicine!
  COPE is a vademecum/textbook of communication biology in lexicon format with standards that only expert manual curation of scientific information can provide.
  COPE guides users with different educational levels through complex knowledge, but make no mistake: COPE isn't for the faint-hearted expecting AI-generated 2-liner simplifications.

These introductory pdf files refer to older COPE versions. Better than the synopsis above, they provide more insights regarding the scope/contents of this knowledge base and the rationale behind this work.
About Horst Ibelgaufts Nutshell Jargon-free Intro Mast Cells Stem Cells

Access to COPE requires registration and subscription
Rates: 12 months: 110 USD | 6 months: 75 USD | 1 month: 15 USD.


COPE version 62.3 update: To continue support for biomedical specialists, physicians, and their students COPE needs more long-term subscribers to release this update.

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